Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Naples... Florida, not Italy...

So Mom and I decided last minute to head to Naples, Florida (no, not Italy) and relax on the beach for a few days. Why Naples, well because we have been there a lot, it is pretty, not commercial like the Destin, Fl area and you can plan a last minute trip there. We went for walks, played tennis, hung out by the "big" pool and ate. There really is nothing else to do but shop and we did a little bit of that. So, let's go back quickly to Naples, Italy. I have been there and it is a sketchy place! It is very close to a not sketchy town called Sorrento and it is very close to the Isle of Capri which is completely fabulous and fancy (thanks Janet!). But no, we are not the type of people to plan a last minute trip across "the pond". My mom is not about to travel abroad without my daddy and well, we would be hard pressed to attain that!

Naples was fun and relaxing and a well timed outing! Naples is supposedly in the most highly concentrated Republican county in the country. This was only confirmed by the pair of linen loafers I found at one store emblazoned with the republican party elephant. I cannot believe that I did not take a picture of them. Or buy them as a joke for someone... except they were like $30... on sale from $150! I even tried to find a picture online of these to no avail. Besides being very "republican" it is also a very Lilly place. I enjoyed pointing out the Lilly on the beach, at the pool, and when we were out to my mom. I think I have a disease...

We did not spend all of our week in Naples but headed back towards Miami and the airport (we flew into Fort Lauderdale) to see my family that lives in Miami. We had a great time with them on their boat, playing on the sand bar in Key Biscayne, and just spending time with them. It was great to see how well they were doing-- it has only been four months since Natalie died.

Well, getting back was fine, even my plantains made the trip! It is nice to be back but I am still adjusting to this 10-hour work day! I do love my Fridays off though!